SICIB (Deployable Integrated Communication & Information System for NATO missions assigned Infantry Battalions).
Operational System, implemented between 2008-2012, SICIB represents structured subsystems and assemblies of human resources, means, equipment, procedures, applications and services (facilities) designated to collect, process, disseminate and store various data for analysis, production and representation of the information to be used in the command and control process from the squads to battalion echelons.

The key services include secure voice and data communications as well as availability for flexible fulfilment of all battalion’s missions and tasks. It offers a high level of deployment for all communications and information subsystems that are supporting the deployed forces, in the battalion tempo, without being tight of any tactical infrastructure.

The system’s design and integration included the following various manufacturers’ products, with proven capabilities in other NATO systems:

  • MESHNET intercom system from General Dynamics
  • RF-5800H, RF-5800V, RF-7800S, RF-7800M, RF-7800W Harris radios
  • Data terminals from DRS Technologies
  • Satellite terminal from General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies.
  • Non-CIS equipment includes UROVESA vehicles, DRASH tents and Hardigg tables and transit cases.
  • Logistic services and support consisting of preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and spare parts.

SICIB was meant to replace the analogue systems for battalion command with secure voice and data services as baseline for digitizing the terrestrial battle-space.